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Hello, Welcome to my blog! My style of photography is basically 'see something interesting and snap it'. I enjoy looking for things that nobody would have seen if it wasn't for my photo rather than taking photos of something everyone can recognise and has seen before.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Another approach on Wurms work

I knew what my 'inappropriate behaviour in public' photos would look like and struggled to think up a way to develop these images so I resorted back to emmulating another series of work by Erwin Wurm hoping that this would give me some ideas to develop my work. Wurms most famous and most interesting series is his 'One minute sculptures' so it only made sense to have a crack at doing some of these. I got my dad to take photos of me in particular poses with certain objects.
These photos aren't flattering in the slightest but they aren't supposed to be. I'm supposed to look uncomfortable and awkward because the models in the work of which im emmulating are stood in uncomfortable and awkward positions. I used a litle digital camera to capture these images just because they're rough drafts and by far nothing final. I thought carefully about what objects to use, I didn't want any old thing and once I got thinking I came up with loads of ideas really quick. The objects I chose to pose with have a meaning to the way I'm posing with them which shows my relationship with these objects. I think the poses in relation to the objects chosen are self explanitary, I maybe need to take more of an ambiguous approach if I decide to take this idea further. I like these photos very much even though I do look like a weirdo! I like the positioning of the objects and my expressionless face. I might use the idea of showing the relationship between us and the objects which surround us and merge this with the idea of inappropriate behaviour, so I best get my thinking cap on and come up with something interesting and original!

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