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Hello, Welcome to my blog! My style of photography is basically 'see something interesting and snap it'. I enjoy looking for things that nobody would have seen if it wasn't for my photo rather than taking photos of something everyone can recognise and has seen before.

Saturday, 31 December 2011

Need some inspiration

I have my plan sorted to go into Manchester and do the inapproriate things in public but I'm hoping something will inspire me for me to be able to develop this idea further, as of now I know I want to merge the use of objects and inappropriate behaviour. The objects come from the series of work called 'One Minute Sculptures' by Erwin Wurm, It's his most well known series and intrests me very much so these are my reasons for wanting to use the idea. I can't think of any ways I can merge inappropriate behaviour and objects together without simply just doing inappropriate things with objects... and I think this is too much of an obvious approach to take so I shan't be following this route for too long. I will have a play about with consiquences of inappropriate behaviour by using objects as the subject matter, some how. I like the idea of the object being the subject, and it itself is completing the inappropriate task for example 'a stereo in a library' or 'a mobile phone in school'.

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